Science & Health How Venezuela lost its middle class Ideological purges under Chávez and now Maduro have led to the mass exit of educated professionals feature Tony Frangie Mawad
Science & Health The UK is sleepwalking into another health crisis The British government’s neglect of science is leaving it unprepared for the next disease outbreak feature Frankie Vetch
Science & Health The year in conspiracy theories After a year of tracking conspiracy movements, here are the worst of a bad bunch roundup Isobel Cockerell
Science & Health The future home of the world's most dangerous pathogens A new lab housing the world's most potent viruses has raised legitimate safety questions among Kansas residents. But it’s also unleashed a torrent of fear that its staff is trying to combat feature Sarah Scoles
Science & Health Bolsonaro’s policies exacerbated food insecurity in Brazil. He’s unlikely to pay a political price Conservative values and tough-on-crime discourse has found traction, while the issue of hunger has been absent from the election feature Zoe Sullivan
Science & Health ‘They’re trying to kill us’: Uyghurs in Xinjiang suffer brutal Covid lockdown China sticks to its zero covid policy and represses despairing complaints on social media about the lack of food and medicines brief Isobel Cockerell
Science & Health 'Nobody helped me': Austria shaken by suicide of doctor trolled by anti-vaccine haters Police in Austria downplayed threats and abuse sent to a small-town doctor. Her death is prompting questions across Europe about how to protect people from trolling and bullying feature Emily Schultheis
Science & Health At the Washington anti-mandate rally, global concerns get infected with the anti-vax treatment Protesters embraced the cognitive dissonance of claiming to own science while basking in conspiracies and fanciful theories essay Ilan Greenberg
Science & Health The French doctors railing against vaccines and Covid-19 restrictions A vocal minority of healthcare professionals and medical researchers are helping to push anti-science ideas dispatch Valeria Costa-Kostritsky
Science & Health Is there any point in talking to a flat-earther? One philosopher thinks so The author and science historian Lee McIntyre discusses his latest book ‘How to Talk to a Science Denier’ q&a Dave Stelfox
Science & Health US Surgeon General lambasts social media as urgent health threat Conservatives and digital rights experts criticize the Biden administration’s recommendations on reforming social media brief Isobel Cockerell
Science & Health The global attack on science From political leaders who deny the effects of climate change to Big Energy’s funding of university research, scientists across the world are facing severe funding cuts, harassment and pressure from vested interests feature Coda Staff
The anti-vaxxers who came in from the cold For years, three women refused routine immunizations for their children. Then something remarkable happened: they changed their mind feature Isobel Cockerell
Science & Health Cows, cash and ‘pot for shots’: global vaccine swag Governments and businesses around the world are giving away all manner of rewards to persuade people to get immunized brief Burhan Wazir
Science & Health Indian teens track down vital supplies on Twitter as hospitals face collapse Thousands of Gen Z-ers are working round the clock to connect Covid patients with oxygen, beds and plasma via social media brief Isobel Cockerell